Many pilots in New Eden view the things they acquire as accomplishment. They are mentally or emotionally attached to these things, which means that they are sometimes reluctant to make the right decisions from a career viewpoint. This article will explain the difference and possibly help you detach from them. The key takeaway is:
Assets are not accomplishments, they are tools!
What is an Asset?
In WIDIA, we can consider many things an asset. It is essentially something or someone who has a specific use or functionality that is beneficial to the membership as individuals or the corporation as a whole. Assets can be items, ships, modules, ammunition, POS towers and many other things. They do not require upkeep and (otherwise they would be called an Estate) are available at a particular location in a given time.
What is an Accomplishment?
An accomplishment is a recognition of state by an individual or a community that is paired with a positive view by said person or community. The result of efforts that come into fruition, newly developed abilities and deeds that require exceptional skills can all be viewed as an accomplishment. It is the duty of the leadership to direct goodwill toward and reward accomplishments with due rewards.
As you se from the above definitions, assets are NOT considered accomplishments. Owning something in and of itself is not an accomplishment, but the ability to keep it and keep it working very much is!
Again, your assets are things that are good for something, you can do something with them - but they are replaceable. Most of them can be lost / destroyed / misplaced. However, in New Eden, there are very few things that don't have a replacement or aren't manufactured / sold in a great volume. This also means that losing something will only deplete your wallet and should not mean more than learning from the loss. More on that in a later paper. Let's just concentrate on the assets rigth now.
So, as with everything, acquiring an asset takes effort. Effort is a major driver in people's minds, since, face it, Mother Nature made man a lazy thing. This also means, that the efforts required to get to somewhere or to buy something stack up in your mind, and form a sense of accomplishment as you acquire the asset. The asset itself, however, is just an item of use, nothing more. It doesn't return any emotions toewards you, nor does it gain you more than the access to the resource it represents. Your own assets are managed by you and you alone, WIDIA will not interfere in how you conduct your business with your own ISK. The corporation will, however advise you to put your assets into use effectively and as circumstances permit, for the good of the whole corporation. This is also reflected on the taxes that are placed on individual gains.
All in all, the things you acquire as an asset should not mean that you have accomplished anything - it is just a conversion from effort to object. Accomplishments stem from the effective and combined use of your skills, assets and information, and the success they net you should represent the accomplishment rather than the ownership of the asset.
In the right social environment, your mental focus should shift from assets to people. WIDIA is a teamwork and socialization oriented environment, and the moment you detach from the assets you have acquired, you'll be able to appreciate this as a new layer of accomplishments.
This concludes the EOM01. WIDIA wishes you success and perspective in your endeavors.